So. Have you ever wondered what to do with left over champagne the morning after the truly excellent night before? Tip it down the sink? Never!! Put it in scrambled eggs. This recipe actually works better with slightly flat champagne. And it is easy. Just substitute champagne for the milk you would ordinarily put in the scrambled eggs. The other secret, cook it relatively slowly.
So, a good daub of unsalted butter in a moderately warm pan. Throw in a few salted capers and a some smoked salmon (ripped or cut – not the whole piece). Slowly let them melt for three or four minutes. In a bowl break a few eggs – three or four, grind of salt and pepper and roughly half as much champagne as eggs (use a half shell as a measure and pour in one per eggs). Gently – repeat gently – mix to combine. Do not beat the life out the eggs. Pour the eggs into the hot pan and stir regularly to prevent it sticking. The champagne results in moister and delightfully fragrant eggs. So turn the pan off and remove from heat before they are completely dry.
Serve on good quality toast, with another glass of bubbles.
For added points serve asparagus with hollandaise on the side. For even more point toss a few salted capers and some smoked salmon into the pan and allow to heat through for a few minute before adding the eggs.
Hell yum!