Saturday, October 30, 2010

Standing Rib Roast

Ok, the challenge I set myself went to plan.  I started with a three rib standing beef roast of approximately 1.5kg.  The butcher "touched" - i.e. cut - the bones so that it can be carved gracefully.  This was taken out of the fridge about three hours ago to allow it to come up to room temperature.  I cannot stress enough how important this is.  It was also rubbed with rock salt, black pepper and a little olive oil.

I headed the oven to 220c; poured a glass of riesling; put the roast into the oven for thirty minutes and set about building this blog.  So far so good.

At thirty minutes the timer went off, three posts were in the blog. Onions and kifler potatoes were added to the pan along side the roast, and the oven was turned down to 160c and ignored for an hour or so.  At that point we inserted the trusty meat thermometer, which indicated a core temperature of 140c, also know as "perfect".

The dish was taken from the oven, covered with a sheet of foil and then a tea towel and the meat was left to rest for ten to fifteen minutes.  Just time to cook the sugarsnap peas and pour a couple of glasses of pinot. (Yes I know it is too light, but it was open and worked a treat).

Carved, appropriate exclamations at the juicy faint pink of the interior, and served accompanied with a fine Milawa mustard.

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